Tuesday, December 22, 2009

If the West doesn't like Arabs, why are they all in the Middle East and why do they buy the oil, sells the car

export the goods, etcIf the West doesn't like Arabs, why are they all in the Middle East and why do they buy the oil, sells the car
MONEY.If the West doesn't like Arabs, why are they all in the Middle East and why do they buy the oil, sells the car
First of all, who says the West doesn't like Arabs? We don't like terrorists. If that includes you, then we don't like you. But we don't assume all Arabs are terrorists, okay. So get over yourself.
You are confused.

Arabs are loved by the West.

Not all Arabs are in the Middle East.

The west buys Oil from the Arabs because the are the only ones with enough Oil.

Here is the list of the biggest Oil Importers:

01) Mexico

02) Canada

03) Saudi Arabia

04) Nigeria

05) Venezuela

06) Angola

07) Iraq

08) Ecuador

09) Brazil

10) Algeria

11) Kuwait

12) Colombia

13) United Kingdom

14) Chad

15) Equatorial Guinea
If the Arabs so hate the west and its ';liberal agenda'; why do they base their entire economy on selling a commodity to the West?
Whoa.. Who said the West does not like Arabs? I have known many people from Arab Countries, and most of them have been very nice, very professional, and fun to work with.

Now, If you're asking.. Why does the West not like Arab Terrorists, that's a true statement.
The West likes anyone who has something it needs- same as every other part of the world.

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