Saturday, December 26, 2009

Can you mix the oil you put in your car?

Oil is essentially about viscosity or thickness of the oil involved, it wont hurt the car to mix your oil but you would be best sticking to the manufacturers recommended oil viscosity. If you are topping up your oil regularly, there is more wrong with the car anyway, so dont start worrying about oil quality.Can you mix the oil you put in your car?
You can mix different weights together.

You can also put transmission fluid in the oil.

But don't run it like that for a long time.

The training fluid will clean the engine

before you change the oil.Can you mix the oil you put in your car?
Mix it with what???

Flour to make chocolate cakes????

You can mix oil although it's not recommended ...if you're just toping up because you have a leak then it's fine ... if you're doing a service you want to replace all the old oil with fresh
YES, I frequently do that an keep my cars for about 200,000 miles
you canot mix two types of oil with different properties. However, you may mix two different brand with the same property in an emergency.
I dont think so, thats why you drain it before you put new oil in.
You can but it's not recomended.different weight's and different brand's could cause your engine to start burning oil.stick to te factory recomended oil you will be better off.
yes you can!!

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