Saturday, December 26, 2009

Opinions on mobile 1 oil for a car with over 115000 miles on it?

I just bought a 97 acura integra a couple months ago and I wanna change the oil. It has valvoline in it, doesn't burn at all. I just never had a car with this type of mileage so don't know if I should start putting it in this late in its life or stick with the regular stuff or if it even matters. thanks in advanceOpinions on mobile 1 oil for a car with over 115000 miles on it?
Valvoline is not the oil everyone thinks it is. I never use it or recommend it, it always leaves deposits and sludge. The best thing to do is to run a good chemical de-sludger, like butyl cellosolve, through the engine prior to using the Mobil One. This should remove the garbage the Valvoline has left behind. Valvoline is manufactured by the wax reduction method, one of the cheapest ways to refine crude. The name Ashland should give you a clue. The Acura engine is a very highly developed engine that can be used to high engine speeds. The Mobil One is a great choice, because it will continue to clean as you drive, provide longer service intervals, and protect the delicate passageways in your valve lifters and timing belt tensioners. Also, your fuel mileage will increase as more internal friction is reduced. Good Luck!! Lately, though, I have been getting more impressed with ELF oil.Opinions on mobile 1 oil for a car with over 115000 miles on it?
You can change if you want and extend the oil change interval up to 6000 miles or so. It will do absolutely nothing for mileage or performance. Mark my words and confirm it after you've wasted the extra money.

The only real benefit of synthetic on an older vehicle is extended change invervals. Even then it usually costs more.

Stick with a good brand conventional like Havoline or Pennzoil. Valvoline has been under par for several years now.
As long as the car was maintained well, it should be fine. I run a fully synthetic 0-40w in my 2002 Subaru WRX with 110k on it.

Check for leaks first, if the car has a potential to leak, I recommend the regular stuff. Fully synthetic oil can cause leaks in a tired engine.
If you are looking to extend the intervals then yes but otherwise good old ';Parts Master'; or Napa oil is the best bang for the buck. Its made by Ashland oil who also makes Valvoline. Its about a dollar cheaper a qt. Spend the money on a good filter instead.
It will be fine in an older engine as long as your engine doesn't use any oil or have any leaking oil problems now as synthetic flows better than conventional oil.
yes change it also put in slick 50 when doing it
A synthetic blend might be the best choice.

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