Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why does my car's oil light come on?

i have a 83 chevy caprice and if i drive more that 40 miles and than come to a stop the light flutters. i have checked the oil levels and have had them thecked by someone else and they can't find anything wrong. can someone help me please!!!Why does my car's oil light come on?
It is indicating low oil pressure, You DO NOT want to be driving your vehicle like this. Bring it to a honest, good mechanic asapWhy does my car's oil light come on?
If you have checked your oil and it is full, then you need to have someone check you oil sender unit, which tells the light to come on. They can go bad sometimes. If it not that then your oil pump is wearing out.
it might be the sending unit or the wire that goes to it is loose. did you check the oil? if the oil is full and you don,t hear any knocking then i would say it,s the sending unit.
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  • Why is my car burning oil its a 1991 acura legend?

    Your car is 16 years old. It's possible that your piston rings are wearing out, allowing oil to migrate into the combustion chamber where it gets burned. It's also possible that you have a leak in your head gasket, also allowing oil in.Why is my car burning oil its a 1991 acura legend?
    YOU CAN TRY USING THICKER OIL SO IT DOSENT BURN AS QUICKLYWhy is my car burning oil its a 1991 acura legend?
    Could also be worn valve guide seals. This lets oil past the valves on the intake stroke and burns it. If you've got oil seeping around the head you could have a blocked oil drainback hole.
    the oil rings have worn out on your pistons you need to put new rings in it is a little bit costly

    How and when do i check, my transmission oil , in my car??

    2004 dodge intriped. should the car be cold or warm??How and when do i check, my transmission oil , in my car??
    You car should be warm. There will be a dipstick similar to the oil dipstick. The fluid will be red not brown/black like oil.How and when do i check, my transmission oil , in my car??
    your car should be warm and in park on level surface with the motor running
    engine running, car warmed up. pull out dip stick, fluid should be in the safe operating range (with xxx on it), if low, just add 1pt at a time, do not over fill.
    These questions are always best answered by your owners manual. If you plan on keeping up on your warranty you should also have documentation(proof) that you did all your vehicles required maintenance. I sell cars!
    park your car on a level surface with the engine warm and in park.pull out the stick and wipe it off and insert in back in and then pull it out and read it,if it is down to the add mark then it should only take a pint to bring it to the full mark.
    It can be checked cold or warm, ideally warm. On your Intrepid's transmission dipstick, there should be a cold, warm, and hot mark.

    Start your car and keep it in park, have a rag or something to wipe the stick handy.

    Open your hood, pull out the transmission dipstick and wipe it clean. Put it completely back in, and pull it out again, looking where the oil level is showing on the stick. Unless you have been highway driving, the oil will show in the cold to warm range. Warm is considered at least 5 miles of driving. Reinsert the dipstick, close the hood, turn off the car, you're done!
    Check it when it is idling. The best way I have found is to ride around the block then check it. You don't want it to be too hot but you won't get a true reading if it is cold.
    Check it when your car is running . There are two dip sticks under your hood. One is the oil and it will say this. The other is for your tranny fluids. I check mine every three months . I have a older car. Its a good thing to keep a good check on the fluids in your car at all times. Saves you money from break downs. Hope this helps you.
    you have to check it while the car is running.
    if the car starts to get sluggish shifting gears, then you should check it in automatic. I drive a stick and don't even know if it has transmission fluid. I don't think it does. Just make sure you keep it topped off. The car will probably fall apart before you ever have to change it, unless gasket start to leak. You should check the levels when you change the oil. They may do that at the oil shop if you take it to get changed, ask if they check and top off the level on this fluid. And it is fluid, not oil.

    Hey! My dad didn't coop us up. He had us changing carburetors and spark plugs, changing oil and checking levels, changing radiator fluids. adjusting Casper/Cambers, you name it. I almost chose it as a career.

    I have lots of unused car oil. Does it go bad?

    In the original container it will last forever but the oil ratings change every 2-3 years, the additive packages keep improving so just make sure the oil rating meets what your car calls for.I have lots of unused car oil. Does it go bad?
    Motor oil/lube oil can never be KILLED. Only the used oil gets contaminated by gathering external impurities like carbon and dust.Lube oil reclaiming is a well known process of removing these impurities. Don't worry about the age of the lube oil as long as it has not gathered contamination. It is perfectly OK to use if the oil grade is suitable for your engine and has remained in the unopened, factory-sealed containers %26amp; stored in a cool, dry place.I have lots of unused car oil. Does it go bad?
    As long is it's in the sealed container it'll pretty much keep forever.
    Depends on how it is stored. Motor oil has been refind and should last forever if it does not become contaminated. you will want to store the unopened containers on a shelf. but it should last for long time.
    no it dosnt go bad
    What? Of course not.

    How often am I supposed to check/change the oil in my car?

    Check your oil every time you fill up or add gas to your vehicle.

    3 months or 3000 miles oil change is the number the oil companies want you to use. And you really won't go wrong changing oil to often. But most manufacturers recommend 4000 and 7500 miles today.

    Check the oil often...low oil will kill the engine quick. It is not just lubrication, it also is part of the cooling system.

    While you are checking the oil, check the coolant level in the bottle. don't open the radiator cap when your car is hot. Just check the plastic overflow bottle , it has a mark on it with a line that reads HOT. the level should be to this line when the engine is warm.

    Check the transmission fluid while you are under there. It should be a nice pretty red color, not brown or brownish red, if it is low add some if it is brown take it to a shop and have it changed.

    More than you wanted, Sorry.

    Yours: GrumpyHow often am I supposed to check/change the oil in my car?
    Every 3000 miles (motor oil).How often am I supposed to check/change the oil in my car?
    3000 miles or three months.
    check your Oil meter while driving and change the oil once in a month
    On every car I have ever had the recommended milage for changing the oil was every 3000 miles!!!
    check every time you fill with gas at least.change every 3000mi at least.
    Every 3,000 miles.
    check it at least weekly. change it every 3 months or 3000 miles or more frequently if driven in any kind of harsh conditions. your owner's manual should say something about it.
    motors can use oil very fast as the oil gets more miles on it so check your oil every time you can, and change the oil every 5,000 miles! use an oil stabilizer in the oil change, this will extend the life of your oil!
    in 7 years
    I live in England and we don't change the oil as often as in America. Some cars even have a fixed oil change only at 18000 miles which is way too long, the average is at around 6000 but we don't buy cheap oil, synthetic premium brands only.

    As regards checking oil, try every week for a month and if you are finding that the level stays constant just once a month or before a longer journey
    every 3,000 miles or so...
    Go to,Its free and it will help you
    every 3000 miles or every 3 months even for synthetic oils

    you see its not the oil that breaks down and hurts your motor its the contaminants in the oil such as dirt and carbon build up and check it every time you fill up

    hope this helps
    if i was you i would check it monthly

    my dad is a mechanic but im not entirely sure

    Cats and car oil?

    how do you get car oil off a cat?

    and will she get hurt i leave it alone over night?

    will it get sick if she licks herself?Cats and car oil?
    Just use a shampoo

    no, kitty will not get hurt if left alone with it

    no, dumb cat will not get sick...she wont like the taste and stop trying to clean itselfCats and car oil?
    Though they don't like it, cats can be bathed. Lots of soap and lots of water should do the trick.

    I don't know that there's any danger if you need to leave it till tomorrow. As long as she doesn't sleep near any heat source or flame. Wouldn't want her to catch fire, though that would burn off the oil.
    Yes your cat can get ill, even die from licking the oil off it's fur. I would use a deep cleansing shampoo for animals. You may have to shampoo many times. You can also take it to pet groomers and have them shampoo for you. You can check at Pets Mart or Petco for a shampoo that is safe to use on your cat.
    Try vegetable oil, the oil should break down the automotive oil. Do not leave it on her overnight-if she licks it, she can become poisoned. If the vegetable oil doesn't work, try a clarifying shampoo and wash her at least three times with it. Rinse well. Or, if you don't have either one of those items, try vinegar water, but be very careful of her eyes and mouth.
    Poor kitty. This was the closest I could come up with.

    How can I remove tar and paint from my pet's hair?

    A. Small deposits of tar can be removed by letting them harden and then carefully cutting them off. For larger deposits, soak the areas with vegetable oil for 24 hours. This will soften the tar, which then can be removed by shampooing. You may need to bandage the oil-soaked area or put a T-shirt on your pet to prevent your pet from licking or chewing off the tar. Never use gasoline, kerosene, turpentine, or organic solvents on your pet. These products can severely burn your pet's skin and cause toxicities.

    For those of us who live among many pine trees, note that vegetable oil or butter can also be used to remove pine pitch.


    Paint is best removed by letting it harden and then clipping off the affected areas. Avon's Skin So Soft may soften some oil-based paints, which can then be removed.
    Just reposting here as this is asked twice.

    Use Dawn dish soap.

    ';If you are attempting to remove grease, oil, or other petroleum products from your cat's fur, try using Dawn brand detergent first to remove it, and follow up with a cat shampoo.';

    The above quote from:鈥?/a>
    For sure you've got to help her clean herselt. Imagine yourself licking car oil.. For sure it'll make you sick. You might ask your vet on the right ways to handle this. Quick! Before it's too late...

    Is it possible to drive a car for 100,000 miles without an oil change before the engine breaks down?

    yes, but it would be silly to try itIs it possible to drive a car for 100,000 miles without an oil change before the engine breaks down?
    Yes. Just add a quart of Mobil One every time the engine oil is low and needs oil.Is it possible to drive a car for 100,000 miles without an oil change before the engine breaks down?
    It's possible, but it's not likely.
    no way.
    it is if you do it the right way. use synthetic oil too, or delo 400 diesel oil.
    Yes i have seen idiots never change their oil they just added when needed.
    Yes and No, but you have got to kidding.
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